These are the ways that you can have a session with me:-
~ live video-link online (also known as telehealth)
~ instant live messaging (such as via Skype messaging)
~ telephone (normal phone if in the UK or audio only video if not in the UK)
Read more about each one below
What you need:
Somewhere private where you will not be disturbed for the duration of the session
A computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone
Good stable internet connection (if possible use an Ethernet cable) and enough bandwidth to support your chosen session format
Your device needs have a video camera with sound for the video sessions
Your device needs to be easy to type on for instant message sessions
Online security: understand more here
Formats & Modes of Working
Live video-link, online
This is meeting with me in my private virtual office space. This works the same as in-person sessions would for psychotherapy, counselling, coaching or mentoring, but it's remote. As long as you have a stable internet connection, webcam/camera, audio input/microphone and somewhere you find safe and private to talk, this is a really easy and convenient way to access therapy. If you're concerned about the differences between accessing services in-person versus online then you can read more here. To book, simply follow the instructions on the FAQ section and you can find out more for how online sessions work here which I strongly suggest that you read if you choose this mode as it will provide you with valuable preparation information. I have been using Skype since 2018 and myself and clients have found it to be safe, reliable and easy. I occasionally trial different software/platforms but I will communicate whether I am switching over if I make the choice to, however, I am happy to use what platform you'd like to use.
Instant, live messaging
This mode of delivery involves the session taking place solely through direct, instant messaging, via Skype. It works when you want a session but cannot go anywhere where it's safe or private for a video-session or call. I offer psychotherapy, counselling, coaching and mentoring this way. The set-up and booking process is exactly the same as a live video-link online session. To book, simply follow the instructions on the FAQ section for online sessions and be sure to check which fee applies in the Instant-messaging section. The reason I use Skype is because it is free for clients, not time-limited, it allows us to share images/documents easily and we can 'react' to a message to show we have read it if necessary.
Clients get just as much value from this session format as they do with any other, because you have the option to consider what you write before you send it, you can feel great satisfaction from this interaction with a therapist. You also have right in front of you what you have said and what I have said, which affords us a depth of clarity and almost synchronous communication unique to this format.
I offer psychotherapy, counselling, coaching and mentoring via a traditional telephone call if you are in the UK and an audio only Skype call if you are outside of the UK. This works well if you're not in a space where you can access a video session or you wish an intervention with minimal set-up, or you simply don't wish to appear on camera. To book, follow the same instructions as online sessions in the FAQ section and also read the FAQ regarding telephone sessions and their fees. Please ensure you remain in a stable signal area for the duration of the session & your battery is fully charged. I have excellent reception (full bars) in my office which is where I take your call.
If your phone dies for any reason, or technology fails, I will endeavor to email you as a back up. If you have another device that you can access, such as someone else's phone or WhatsApp on a tablet, please call me back via that method so your session can continue.
I offer email psychotherapy, counselling, coaching and mentoring. There is more information on the web pages about this service which you can view by clicking here. This tends to be popular if people have a very specific query they would like support with but aren't ready for a more interactive mode yet or do not want to enter into therapy or coaching as such. It gives you:
more time to think, due to us not meeting in ‘real time’
the ability to write at a time that suits you
no need to show your face
no need to speak
express yourself through writing
more accessible
no travel time
feel more equal
Things to Consider:
Do you have somewhere private to read/write where you will not be disturbed?​
Do you have enough quality time to read/write?​
Are you able to express yourself through writing and do you enjoy communicating this way?​
Would be able to cope with gaps between our communications?
Is your email secure? I use Protonmail which is a secure and private host, meaning my communications will be confidential and not "read by bots"